Use of enthuse in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include enthuse at the start of sentence, enthuse at the end of sentence and enthuse in the middle of sentence

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enthuse at the start of sentence

  1. Enthuse everybody in your company to "Think Customer".
  2. Enthuse . Show enthusiasm openly! Rotary should be fun.

enthuse at the end of sentence

  1. Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse.

enthuse in the middle of sentence

  1. He did not enthuse over the purchases.
  2. Does your spouse still stimulate and enthuse you?
  3. I'm not enthuse over my job any more than before.
  4. It's hard not to enthuse after this first episode of Alan Wake.
  5. For a bishop to enthuse about such an initiative is, sadly, rare.
  6. Soho, meanwhile, enthuse and make me feel like a miserable old fart.
  7. And you'll likely get an enthuse sciatic reply from your new friend .
  8. A good retailer will enthuse about his stock and tempt you to try new foods.
  9. It is an ensemble of musical qualities that will enthuse listeners every time.
  10. I want my colleagues to continue to enthuse about the job and teach effectively.
  11. He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children .
  12. We pin up quality ditties on corporate walls to enthuse staff of our good and noble intentions.
  13. " Of course, you'll do,'said Drouet, who, in his efforts to enthuse Carrie, had interested himself.
  14. Probably one of the most crucial elements of nursery education is to enthuse the child about learning.
  15. I've repeatedly tried to enthuse him about commercial possibilities, but he scoffs and sends me chases.
  16. Vivian and Wilson, on the other hand, seldom enthuse over their adopted home; half the time, they barely notice it's there.
  17. The best Rather could do was enthuse about shadowy figures in crowds who might or might not be somebody guilty of something.
  18. And British officials now feel that, following her re-election as German chancellor, Merkel can afford to enthuse about a president Blair.
  19. "I think through our architecture, we can give people a glimpse of another world, and enthuse them, make them excited about ideas," Hadid said in a statement.
  20. But the company is now showing some worrying signs of middle-age fatigue. In particular, it is struggling to find a growth strategy that will enthuse disgruntled shareholders.
  21. The time has come for chief executive officers to transform themselves into chief enabling officers who enable, encourage, and enthuse employees that are toiling in the value zone.
  22. Although Leonardo has attempted to enthuse his players further, he understands the task in hand involves a major push, as well as a degree of perfection from now until the end of term.

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