Use of eternally in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include eternally at the start of sentence, eternally at the end of sentence and eternally in the middle of sentence

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eternally in the middle of sentence

  1. We are eternally loved by God.
  2. I'll be eternally grateful to you.
  3. For that we would be eternally grateful.
  4. I'll be eternally grateful to you for this.
  5. I am eternally grateful for your encouragement.
  6. He's eternally telephoning me early in the morning.
  7. Summer lies eternally on Avelorn's enchanted glades.
  8. A dangerous man, and a man who lived eternally in danger
  9. She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.
  10. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right.
  11. Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.
  12. Only Janet, eternally hopeful, thought it was worth trying again.
  13. He's the sort of player who's eternally arguing with the referee.
  14. I'm eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.
  15. Can the church really decide if I will be eternally damned or blessed?
  16. Gobbla, his hugely bloated and eternally hungry Cave Squig would feed well.
  17. Roth, of course, remains eternally wedded to his one true love, his writing.
  18. How could time have eternally existed; how could there be a space without bounds?
  19. Only two of the ten couples I interviewed made such a choice, and both feel eternally grateful.
  20. He engages with a sense of Being eternally present, not driven and limited by the demands of time.
  21. But unsparing in his pressing of points he thought vital, and eternally urging the need for money.
  22. In that case, since possibilities will always, eternally, exist, there never is absolutely nothing.
  23. Roger seems eternally optimistic, but even he realized that the Giants couldn't win the championship.
  24. In self-defeating organizations, poor performance comes to resemble this sort of eternally perpetuating cycle.
  25. In Head, Nicholson had kindly provided them with a suicide note for which Mike Nesmith was eternally grateful.
  26. Plato was positing an ideal body of irrefutable truth which stands eternally existent far beyond our mortal ken.
  27. Still, even for the eternally optimistic Mullin, having a fourth straight season wrecked by injury has bothered him.
  28. In return Televisa provided slanted news coverage that helped keep the Institutional Revolutionary Party eternally in power.

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