Use of perpetually in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include perpetually at the start of sentence, perpetually at the end of sentence and perpetually in the middle of sentence

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perpetually at the end of sentence

  1. The seasons rotate perpetually.

perpetually in the middle of sentence

  1. They were all perpetually starving.
  2. She's perpetually asking me for money.
  3. She was not then perpetually professed.
  4. She wore a perpetually martyred expression.
  5. He perpetually interferes in political affairs.
  6. The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.
  7. We belong perpetually to each other for life or for death.
  8. Chutra seemed ambivalent about the perpetually gathering crowds.
  9. His need was to be perpetually arresting, radiant with fresh interest.
  10. At home, she wanders around, perpetually touching and picking up things.
  11. He was perpetually in the political wilderness, often tossed out of office.
  12. His had been an isolated and lonely existence, despite the people perpetually at his side.
  13. All this changes drastically in industrial societies, where the economy is perpetually expanding.
  14. Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.
  15. The M 1 is perpetually being resurfaced, a task that seems to be as endless as repainting the Forth bridge.
  16. He gave the impression of being perpetually amused by, and yet far above, the foibles of fellow human beings.
  17. Three windows had their green blinds perpetually drawn against morning sun or any damage from afternoon light.
  18. A former jazz trumpeter, Nancarrow created remarkably imaginative music that sounds perpetually fresh and vital.
  19. She was a neat little blonde, five years my senior, and perpetually smelling of eau de cologne and cheap powder.
  20. She offered ardent prayers to them perpetually, but not one of them would do anything to make Venus their enemy.
  21. He seemed too fragile and ancient to battle the biting winds that howled perpetually around the base of the Tower.
  22. After the Restoration he was one of those not actually attainted but perpetually disabled from holding any office.
  23. She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received.
  24. This is not, however the perk it seems, as clients were perpetually dreaming and plotting to stop dealing with Harvard.
  25. This idea of a perpetually repetitive pattern of events inspired a sense of security from the menace of change and decay.
  26. High organizational performance can not be sustained if one or two constituent groups are perpetually rewarded or afflicted.
  27. To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible, and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.
  28. The girl's afore-mentioned burden - a phenomenon - had been perpetually exacerbated by Carl's boorish, bullying behaviour towards her.

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کرنسی ٹسکنی، اٹلی میں اور کے درمیان جاری کیے.
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