Use of homesick in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include homesick at the start of sentence, homesick at the end of sentence and homesick in the middle of sentence

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homesick at the end of sentence

  1. She'sfeeling a little homesick.
  2. Only she is feeling desperately homesick.
  3. I imagine you're feeling pretty homesick.
  4. One is home all the time, but feeling homesick.
  5. He left his job largely because he was homesick.
  6. Seeing other families together made him terribly homesick.
  7. As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more homesick.
  8. As we passed through Yorkshire I was terrified - and a little homesick.
  9. Oscar says that to walk among hills above his slum neighbourhood would make him homesick.

homesick in the middle of sentence

  1. He was homesick for Italy.
  2. Or Al Davis' homesick pangs.
  3. I felt homesick for Scotland.
  4. I am homesick for your spirit.
  5. It makes me homesick to look at it.
  6. I am so homesick I can hardly bear it.
  7. The unhappy ones who were homesick for their mothers.
  8. In Sheffield he was homesick and missed his girl friend.
  9. Most people get homesick the first time they leave home.
  10. My sister was very homesick when she first went to college.
  11. He is homesick and very much wants to return to the church.
  12. He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful.
  13. She thinks of the Periodicals room as an asylum for homesick aliens.
  14. They were both gazing out of the window like a couple of homesick kids.
  15. They're not only caused by foreign species planted by homesick Midwesterners.
  16. Sampras confessed that he was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe.
  17. Though she was not really homesick, penning the letters somehow kept her close.
  18. She had been homesick for this city, and the years of marriage to Nahum slipped away.
  19. We all felt exceedingly homesick that night as we lay under the clouds and in the mud.
  20. Not presents, not for themselves, it was the sensation of being given to, she was homesick for that.

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