Use of nostalgic in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include nostalgic at the start of sentence, nostalgic at the end of sentence and nostalgic in the middle of sentence

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nostalgic at the end of sentence

  1. The overall tone of the book is gently nostalgic.
  2. Somehow the place even smelt wonderfully nostalgic.
  3. Some find this special reproduction steam train moving and nostalgic.
  4. Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite nostalgic .
  5. Talking about our old family holidays has made me feel quite nostalgic.
  6. After seven straight losses here, and almost eight, no one in the traveling party was feeling too nostalgic.

nostalgic in the middle of sentence

  1. Are we that nostalgic for repression?
  2. So abroad's always a bit nostalgic for us.
  3. He made a nostalgic return visit to Germany.
  4. Some people even feel nostalgic for the Mao era.
  5. Many people were nostalgic for the good old days.
  6. But what exactly are the skinheads nostalgic for?
  7. The film provided an evening of nostalgic viewing.
  8. I feel quite nostalgic for the place where I grew up.
  9. He remained nostalgic about his days as a young actor.
  10. She even peddles her line of nostalgic shirts on line.
  11. Do you know, I am nostalgic for nappies and broken nights.
  12. I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musicals on TV.
  13. We'll take a nostalgic look at the musical hits of the '60s.
  14. The book takes a nostalgic look at the golden age of the railway.
  15. This nostalgic retread was, like revenge, a dish best eaten cold.
  16. Ed: Do you have a nostalgic memory of your childhood home to pass on?
  17. As a nostalgic memento, it is proudly displayed in the Jugendstil -decorated shop.
  18. It may be that few people who were there have devoted much time to nostalgic reminiscence.
  19. Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer.
  20. I hadn't even looked at the floor in case I got nostalgic for my own personal locks now lost to me for ever.
  21. Rollins concludes that the Ozzie-and-Harriet days for which conservative Republicans are nostalgic are gone forever.
  22. He was naturally nostalgic, even sentimental, and a respecter of established institutions with which lie had been connected.
  23. The gold-winning Country Living entry celebrated her work with a nostalgic cottage-garden full of lupins, irises and climbing roses.

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