Use of infirmary in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include infirmary at the start of sentence, infirmary at the end of sentence and infirmary in the middle of sentence

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infirmary at the end of sentence

  1. My little brother was taken to the infirmary.
  2. As of mid-April, he remained in the infirmary.
  3. In 1770 he became a surgeon to the Liverpool infirmary.
  4. Jane hears that Helen is dying and goes to her in the infirmary.
  5. He was taken in a coma to the intensive care unit of Glasgow Royal infirmary.
  6. Blonde Sue was one of the first people at his hospital bedside in Manchester Royal infirmary.
  7. Takings of £170 on the opening night were donated to the funds of the Edinburgh Royal infirmary.
  8. Its origin, and its method of financing, almost inevitably led to it becoming effectively a horse infirmary.

infirmary in the middle of sentence

  1. Northampton's first infirmary was opened here in 1744.
  2. Mrs Hardie had been taken to the infirmary in an ambulance.
  3. The infirmary was quiet like the chapel and had a strange smell.
  4. When he left the infirmary he was due to spend two weeks in solitary.
  5. He became a senior surgeon to the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh in 1872.
  6. For a start, he must get down to the infirmary to check on Dan's progress.
  7. Others perform duties in the kitchens, the infirmary or the laundry rooms.
  8. A warder stood at one end of the infirmary, standing by a thick metal door.
  9. They recommended that two wings be added to the infirmary, one at each end.
  10. She died of typhus fever in the Liverpool Workhouse infirmary, 19 February 1868.
  11. As I walked back from Elola, the body was flown to a tiny infirmary in a local village.
  12. He was said to be comfortable in Leeds General infirmary with facial injuries and fractures.
  13. He had discharged one of them from the infirmary in no worse condition than when he had arrived.
  14. Mrs Fanshawe had regained consciousness in Stowerton Royal infirmary after her six-week-long coma.
  15. He intended to resign his post as physician to the infirmary the following February and to leave in March.
  16. It even persisted into the twentieth century and the infirmary produced a Bullard's Rag Mag during the 1950s.
  17. In 1879 the Workhouse infirmary Nursing Association was founded to train and supply nurses, and she became secretary.
  18. It is now suggested that the proposed Royal infirmary hospital trust offers the best means of taking the plan forward.
  19. Ten ambulances ferried the casualties to hospital and medical teams from Huddersfield Royal infirmary worked at the roadside.
  20. William Warden was appointed porter to the infirmary; the regulations stated that he was to have bread and cheese for breakfast.
  21. Doctors at Leicester Royal infirmary are to assess the benefits of giving magnesium to heart attack victims immediately after an attack.

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