Use of sanatorium in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include sanatorium at the start of sentence, sanatorium at the end of sentence and sanatorium in the middle of sentence

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sanatorium at the start of sentence

  1. Sanatorium rational layout and facilities.
  2. Sanatorium beds were few and far between, and often had to be obtained through influence.

sanatorium at the end of sentence

  1. All I had to do was make like a patient in a sanatorium.
  2. Every good mountain with an enclosing gesture is a sanatorium.
  3. She was declared legally insane in rigged trial and was put in a sanatorium.
  4. If that decision has now put him in the casualty ward, it has equally kept him from the sanatorium.
  5. I see her picture in the paper, then I holler copper and tell them this is the dame from the sanatorium.
  6. Although he returned to the School staff after the war, he was later compelled to spend some time in a sanatorium.
  7. Methods Field interview and questionary survey were used to the study of sports injury in 298 pilots recuperating in our sanatorium .

sanatorium in the middle of sentence

  1. The sanatorium stands by the sea.
  2. The sanatorium was opened only in 1941.
  3. The sanatorium looks down at the West Lake.
  4. There is a sanatorium close to the West Lake.
  5. When we are sent to a sanatorium, we continue to draw our wages.
  6. They replenished themselves in a seaside sanatorium for two weeks.
  7. I had TB and spent several months in a sanatorium in the mountains.
  8. Reporters and photographers were swarming all over the sanatorium that day.
  9. Shanghai Hexinyuan sanatorium is a holiday resort catering for both Chinese and foreingners.
  10. This afternoon we went to the Losheng sanatorium and did frottage with the sanatorium residents.
  11. Thinking of the frail figure sitting in the gloomy room at the sanatorium, trusting the great Bonanza.
  12. Objective The a position for pharmaceutical care in sanatorium facing the reform in medical care system.
  13. By inventing this yarn about the time Connie left the sanatorium, you've tied yourself right in this thing.
  14. The fifth, exploit potential resources and promote development of sanatorium with creating new dominant techniques.
  15. ObjectiveTo analyze the various types of antihypertensive drugs in Hangzhou sanatorium of the People's Liberation Army.
  16. Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.
  17. Her personal experience with invalidism and long confinement in a sanatorium gave her an empathy for her patients not common among physicians.
  18. It was not until the completion of the Paimio sanatorium (1929) and Viipuri Library (1935) that Aalto first achieved world attention in architecture.

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