Use of likable in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include likable at the start of sentence, likable at the end of sentence and likable in the middle of sentence

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likable at the end of sentence

  1. They are just naturally likable.
  2. The weather in Maryland seems likable.
  3. My new boss is hard nosed, but very likable.
  4. Despite his rough corners he was very likable.
  5. Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good natured and likable.
  6. But Frank Bascombe, for all his hapless domestic incompetence and elaborate self-pity, was interesting and kind of likable.

likable in the middle of sentence

  1. Pam was likable and pretty.
  2. He's a very likable fellow.
  3. He was a nice guy, a likable guy.
  4. She is likable enough,but very ordinary.
  5. He is an attractive and likable young man.
  6. Think of something likable about the person.
  7. On the whole, he seems like an intelligent, likable person.
  8. He was probably the most likable, nice person in the world.
  9. She's coming across as a likable, hard working, and industrious player.
  10. While she is a likable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with.
  11. Now she found herself falling in love with her handsome, likable teacher.
  12. This Beauty treatment makes Brides sensual and likable, But not far from innocent.
  13. Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable a member of the Chrysler board.
  14. But these likable characters are too moderately sketched to have any compelling dimension.
  15. Larry Flynt presents the infamous pornographer as a likable slob who faced down the big guys and won.
  16. Adrianne is warm and likable, David very smart but weak, and Diane also smart, but cold and ambiguous.
  17. The professor was likable, it was the sixties, not having your creative juices flowing was understandable.
  18. One of the reasons Beavis and Butt-head are likable, after all, is their imperviousness to the outside world.
  19. But because he was so likable and seemed to be wasting so much talent, teachers and counselors tried to help.
  20. But my gut reaction was that, despite his reputation for being hot tempered, he was a friendly, likable child.
  21. His Toshi is a heroic character whose naivete and haunted past are shed in this exceedingly likable coming-of-age story.
  22. Urich has always been a likable actor,(.com/likable.html) and he is sympathetic as a man trying to piece his life together.
  23. Still, much to your chagrin, you find yourself occasionally tickled by the screwball antics of the likable cast of characters.

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