Use of peanut in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include peanut at the start of sentence, peanut at the end of sentence and peanut in the middle of sentence

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peanut in the middle of sentence

  1. James flicked a peanut at her.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of peanut oil.
  3. She often thought of peanut butter.
  4. We don't have peanut oil in our family.
  5. Loved peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
  6. How can people eat peanut butter and jelly?
  7. You have some peanut butter on your top lip.
  8. I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  9. First fry the chicken in a little peanut oil.
  10. It's you who will get peanut butter over here.
  11. How about a peanut butter and noodle casserole?
  12. You have some peanut butter on your bottom lip.
  13. He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.
  14. Chinese peanut oils are perfect for stir-frying.
  15. The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.
  16. Heat the peanut oil in a wok and add the scallion-garlic mixture.
  17. She dipped her carrot into the peanut butter as she went to the door.
  18. If I skipped the peanut butter on the celery, would I lose more weight?
  19. You don't add the peanut butter until after you've stirred in the honey.
  20. When cool, spread top, sides and between layers with peanut butter icing.
  21. While still beating, gradually add confectioners' sugar and peanut butter.
  22. The best alternative is peanut oil which is light but fairly full-flavoured.
  23. The peanut program allows only farmers with a federal quota to grow peanuts for the domestic market.
  24. The peanut and sugar programs add 33 cents to the price of a jar of peanut butter, according to Pasco.
  25. The produce business is not like peanut butter where it takes time for the whole process to catch up with the product.
  26. The son was looking directly ahead out of the window stuffing himself with bread and peanut butter and strawberry jam.
  27. Supporters argue that the peanut program has been reformed under the Senate farm bill and the proposed House legislation.
  28. While Peter Pan may not flit around offering free peanut butter, low-cost foreign peanut growers do offer us their crops.
  29. Opponents charge that this system artificially inflates the cost of peanut products for consumers and provides a federal windfall for quota-holders.

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