Use of persuasion in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include persuasion at the start of sentence, persuasion at the end of sentence and persuasion in the middle of sentence

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persuasion at the end of sentence

  1. He is not of their persuasion.
  2. She didn't need much persuasion.
  3. She has great powers of persuasion.
  4. He was sweetened by her persuasion.
  5. He had to use all his powers of persuasion.
  6. He decided to leave only after much persuasion.
  7. If he dummies up, just try a little persuasion.
  8. She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion.
  9. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.

persuasion in the middle of sentence

  1. I find gentle persuasion is the best tack.
  2. After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go.
  3. After a lot of persuasion, he agreed to come.
  4. Their persuasion has worn down her opposition.
  5. Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
  6. Defeated by her powers of persuasion, I accepted.
  7. After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced.
  8. His father was reached by their persuasion at last.
  9. We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats.
  10. After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to come.
  11. We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move?
  12. Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.
  13. After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.
  14. I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.
  15. We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
  16. After a little gentle persuasion , Debbie agreed to let us in.
  17. Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.
  18. It didn't take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.
  19. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
  20. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.

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