Use of suasion in Sentences. 14 Examples

The examples include suasion at the start of sentence, suasion at the end of sentence and suasion in the middle of sentence

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suasion at the end of sentence

  1. Are Chinese bureaucrats some subspecies of human being uniquely susceptible to this sort of suasion?
  2. Portfolio controls consist of special deposits, supplementary special deposits, reserve requirements, directives, and moral suasion.
  3. While the British government has imposed lending targets on the banks that receive its capital, Mr Paulson has settled for moral suasion.

suasion in the middle of sentence

  1. The relationship was open, and the suasion was gradual and systemic.
  2. Writers reached for a means suasion and began to use emotion to confirm beliefs.
  3. Szymanski holds out hope that a bit of moral suasion from high places would suffice.
  4. Now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.
  5. Awareness and education, using knowledge and moral suasion to change behaviour, is a third.
  6. It is difficult to believe that recourse to moral suasion by a Fed chairman would be ineffective.
  7. To stem the boom, the Fed attempted in vain to use moral suasion on the markets and restrain credit expansion only for "legitimate business.
  8. Confucianism may have restrained some rulers, but the restraint rested purely on the moral suasion of a religious idea, not on independent legal principle.
  9. And when countries such as France felt that the soft suasion of idealism was lacking, as has recently been the case, it proved harder to attract them to a cause.
  10. If the G-20 countries believe more global governance is appropriate, they should be willing to accept the "moral suasion" of public reviews that "name and shame."
  11. American officials point out that the moratorium as it stands now has no teeth and that moral suasion hasn't stopped whaling nations from hunting in greater and greater numbers.

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