Use of redeploy in Sentences. 20 Examples

The examples include redeploy at the start of sentence, redeploy at the end of sentence and redeploy in the middle of sentence

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redeploy at the start of sentence

  1. Redeploy a new instance of the list and rename'% 1'to'% 2 '.

redeploy at the end of sentence

  1. A lot of public money went into trying to save what could be saved, or to help companies redeploy.

redeploy in the middle of sentence

  1. We were forced urgently to redeploy our forces.
  2. The U.S. must redeploy their troops in the Middle East.
  3. Gu Ge redeploy its sale is politic, not fathomless also.
  4. It would give us an opportunity to redeploy our resources.
  5. This package is already deployed. Do you want to redeploy it?
  6. Now you can redeploy your branded gateway and try this changes.
  7. There are plans to redeploy 200 employees in the next six months.
  8. He gives fresh orders to his nearest cut-off group to redeploy rapidly.
  9. Credit system promotes to redeploy capital and enhance averaged rate of profit .
  10. During the presidential campaign, he said he would redeploy troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.
  11. At least partly in response , that is encouraging the U.S. military redeploy resources in Asia.
  12. We closed the design department and redeploy the workforce in the publicity and sale department.
  13. The labour market is too inflexible for an economy seeking rapidly redeploy resources to higher - value industries.
  14. He has put forward some interesting ideas for international centres to redeploy nuclear scientists on civilian work.
  15. We can even take charge of your entire logistics function, so you can redeploy assets, gain flexibility, reduce risk.
  16. If particular LEAs see fit to alter their priorities and redeploy funds from one area to another, that is their decision.
  17. We will redeploy police resources in order to increase police presence in local communities and establish local neighbourhood offices.
  18. Respected media owners such as McGraw-Hill and Conde Nast Publications Inc. are closing print titles or slashing investments in traditional publications to redeploy resources elsewhere.

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