Use of redistribute in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include redistribute at the start of sentence, redistribute at the end of sentence and redistribute in the middle of sentence

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redistribute at the start of sentence

  1. Redistribute it to your team.

redistribute in the middle of sentence

  1. Taxes could be used to redistribute income.
  2. As president he would redistribute the country's wealth.
  3. Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.
  4. They aim to redistribute income from the rich to the poor.
  5. We must redistribute power in this country by peaceful means.
  6. Policies to redistribute income do not adequately reduce inequalities.
  7. Finally, arrangements are to be created to redistribute wealth in the region.
  8. He said it would redistribute the land to the squatters and other poor black people.
  9. An alternative is that in which government takes much greater action to redistribute income.
  10. It can be used to focus efforts to redistribute income precisely where they belong: on the poor.
  11. He intends to redistribute income from the middle class to poorer paid employees and pensioners.
  12. Not quite so obviously, they want to redistribute income from those with more to those with less.
  13. Another important aspect of reform is to redistribute the funds allocated to science and education.
  14. Legislation was introduced to expropriate land from absentee landlords and redistribute it to peasants.
  15. These reforms redistribute power within institutions, but they do not make the legal system more democratic.
  16. John Smith has sought to present Labour's tax increases as a fair way to redistribute money from rich to poor.
  17. Other policies that influence savings rates or redistribute income from capital to labour will in general change.
  18. An Institute of Agrarian Reform was founded to break up large estates and redistribute them to landless labourers.
  19. The consequence was to redistribute money from the rich south, where property prices were high, to the poorer north.
  20. Ethically, it is impossible to redistribute income intentionally in a developing country to see if civil strife erupts.
  21. In any case the government's desire to redistribute without compensation has stripped most agricultural land of any value.
  22. The optimal tariff increases welfare only marginally, its main effect being to redistribute welfare from farmers to government.
  23. Public policy should redistribute income and subsidise, if not deliver directly, essential services such as education and health.
  24. A more progressive tax policy could help redistribute some of the gains of trade accruing to those on the top of the income scale.
  25. Increased real income provides us with an admirable detour around the rancor anciently associated with efforts to redistribute wealth.
  26. The scramble to redistribute existing resources and clients provides the conditions for the development of schemes such as the duty solicitor.
  27. Mr. Scott Each annual allocation of funds to district budgets has been designed to redistribute resources in a progressively more equitable way.

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