Use of seasonal in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include seasonal at the start of sentence, seasonal at the end of sentence and seasonal in the middle of sentence

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seasonal at the start of sentence

  1. Seasonal broadcasts by the Detroit Symphony.
  2. Seasonal variations need to be taken into account.

seasonal in the middle of sentence

  1. The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables.
  2. All that semblance of seasonal good cheer.
  3. Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.
  4. Use whatever seasonal vegetables are available.
  5. The figures are adjusted for seasonal variations.
  6. The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.
  7. But, he cautioned, the seasonal weather was deteriorating.
  8. He made a satisfactory seasonal debut at Newbury the other day.
  9. Some of the increase may have been due to seasonal auto plant closures.
  10. As long as he could avoid this seasonal parasite, he would live forever.
  11. The goat's movements and social interactions show a similar seasonal variation.
  12. The tourist industry is also highly seasonal and subjected to fluctuating cycles.
  13. And one has to remember that sperm counts also show a natural seasonal variation.
  14. On his seasonal debut he was beaten six lengths by the very fit Cruising Altitude.
  15. Some peasants left their home village and peregrinated the country for seasonal jobs.
  16. It may have escaped your notice, but the biggest of seasonal shifts happened last night.
  17. The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
  18. They prefer to send seasonal greetings to their loved one by fax or with a telephone call.
  19. Live oak and valley oak dot the landscape, and willows and sycamores line the banks of seasonal creeks.
  20. There were no longer seasonal periods of slack and recovery to offset the periods of feverish activity.
  21. Temperatures were measured down to a depth of 5 kilometres, where seasonal fluctuations have no effect.
  22. Use them as solo shrubs or as permanent backbone for pot or windowbox, with some seasonal plant infills.
  23. They also dreamed up another seasonal festival that remains sacred in our calendar: Crufts, inaugurated in 1886.
  24. The country has a large seasonal migrant population, who work on the coffee and cotton plantations for part of the year.
  25. The rest will be part-time, seasonal, or contract workers, responsible for designing and choreographing their own careers and retirements.
  26. New seasonal selections are added throughout the year; offering a variety of both traditional favourites, as well as more adventurous dishes.
  27. Similarly, banks make merchandise loans to enable customers to cope with seasonal imports especially where bulk purchases might ensure considerable discounts.

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