Use of stricken in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include stricken at the start of sentence, stricken at the end of sentence and stricken in the middle of sentence

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stricken in the middle of sentence

  1. Fire broke out on the stricken ship.
  2. Her parents were stricken with grief.
  3. She turned a stricken glance on Peter.
  4. Or was he stricken with glandular fever?
  5. We went to the aid of the stricken boat.
  6. Rescue teams raced to the stricken ship.
  7. She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.
  8. Whole villages were stricken with the disease.
  9. Then it bayed and Jim was stricken with terror.
  10. She raised her stricken face and begged for help.
  11. Sir Alexander Seton stumbled away, a stricken man.
  12. He was stricken at twenty-one with a crippling malady.
  13. Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area.
  14. In 1934, McDenough was stricken with pneumonia and died.
  15. Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area.
  16. They have issued the calamity - stricken people with food.
  17. My country has been stricken by war for the past five years.
  18. He has been stricken with grief since the death of his wife.
  19. Supplies of food and medicine were rushed to the stricken city.
  20. The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.
  21. Foreign aid workers will not be allowed into the stricken areas.
  22. All the oil from the stricken tanker has now leaked into the sea.
  23. The lifeboat was preparing to go to the aid of the stricken boat.
  24. The two heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic - stricken sheep.
  25. There was a stampede of panic - stricken crowd from the burning hotel.
  26. There was a huge international relief effort to bring help to the stricken area.
  27. The British Red Cross has sent four planeloads of relief supplies to the stricken areas.
  28. These remarks don't have any relationship to the problem at hand; they are incongruous and should be stricken from the record.

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