Use of weld in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include weld at the start of sentence, weld at the end of sentence and weld in the middle of sentence

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weld at the start of sentence

  1. Weld claims he followed up with an investigation.
  2. Weld, I thank them for all those nice turnpike tolls.
  3. Weld has left three in at the four day stage with Steel Chimes looking the most probable runner.
  4. Weld was scheduled to speak Wednesday night when convention organizers intend to stress economic issues.
  5. Weld helped her find little circles of women on whom to practice public speaking; before long, men started attending.
  6. Weld has adopted an unusually low-key posture at this meeting in contrast to the high-profile figure he has cut in the past.
  7. Weld, who developed a strong personal and professional relationship with Bulger, predicted that he would work equally well with Birmingham.

weld at the end of sentence

  1. Where did you learn to weld?

weld in the middle of sentence

  1. Some metals weld better than others.
  2. Muscle tears set solid, discs weld together.
  3. The crisis helped to weld the party together.
  4. His job is now to weld the players into a single team.
  5. It's possible to weld stainless steel to ordinary steel.
  6. William F.. weld, insiders worry that Payne may be too nice.
  7. They will also be used on factory floors to weld things together.
  8. Die stamp or arc weld your postcode on valuable equipment Crime costs.
  9. As governor, weld has shunned political action committee contributions.
  10. No doubt the working relationship between weld and Bulger helped to get Sen.
  11. On the first circuit there was a sudden roar as the weld on the silencer split.
  12. Because weld wanted to move against slavery, he became a hero to his fellow students.
  13. Do we throw the frame away or can we just take a section out and weld a new section in.
  14. When Angelina weld took her turn, the crowd outside started throwing bricks through windows.
  15. Rather than scrap the scheme, however, Mr weld has now extended the deadline until 31 July, 1993.
  16. It is not possible, for example, to weld brackets or stiffening materials directly to the surface.
  17. His immediate priority, though, was to weld a disparate group of men into a cohesive fighting force.
  18. Ironically, the industry has been very supportive of weld, showering him with campaign contributions.
  19. Kerry and weld are both scrappy former prosecutors who have shown in past campaigns that they can fight hard.
  20. As weld ought to have told Silber, a grandstanding press conference on Beacon Hill is a long way from legislative enactment.
  21. They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.

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